Ion channel & transporter function

Mitochondrial uncouplers induce proton leak by activating AAC and UCP1.
Bertholet, AM, Natale, AM, Bisignano, P, Suzuki J, Fedorenko A, Hamilton J, Brustovetsky T, Kazak L, Garrity R, Chouchani ET, Brustovetsky N, Grabe M, and Kirichok Y.
Nature 606, 180–187 (2022). [PDF]

Regulation of the mammalian-brain V-ATPase through ultraslow mode-switching.
Kosmidis E, Shuttle CG, Preobraschenski J, Ganzella M, Johnson PJ, Veshaguri S, Holmkvist J, Møller MP, Marantos O, Marcoline F, Grabe M, Pedersen JL, Jahn R, and Stamou D.
Nature 611, 827-834 (2022). [PDF]